Easter Bread

Easter Bread is a tradition in our family.

Slow raise with instant yeast - 2017
Slow raise with instant yeast – 2017
Uncle Sam - 2014
Uncle Sam – 2014










2017 Amounts with Instant Yeast

2.5 lbs flour
10oz sugar
0.6oz instant yeast
4oz butter
8oz milk
pinch salt
8 eggs

Notes: Very long rise, 3+ hours.

Sue Romano – 2021

2021 Notes

Amounts same as 2021, did a two-stage raise. First in a bowl, then punched down and shaped. Second rise was also slow (both over 2 hours), then baked at 300F for almost an hour.


2 thoughts on “Easter Bread

  1. Heat everything except yeast, flour, and eggs to 160 degrees F.

    Temper eggs and add yeast (Make sure temperature is less than 125 degrees F before adding yeast.)

    Add flour, knead, and leave to rise for 3+ hours.

  2. April 3, 2022 made full recipe used 6 packs instant yeast. Made all rolls and Easter braid. Turned out beautifully. Connie Meek Marla Miller

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